2024-01-16 02:50:28 -
京东自营物美 —— 黑色纯正、发亮;价廉—— 实惠;昨晚买,今日送,超快!京东,值得信赖!

2024-01-13 01:02:24 -

2024-01-16 12:21:21 -

2024-01-05 10:06:04 -

2024-01-03 02:29:19 -

2024-01-07 14:17:18 -

2024-01-23 13:25:59 -
主要是皮质看着很好 颜色也非常正 做工可以了这个价格,我是非常喜欢的 看看

2024-01-01 17:19:30 -
容量大小:容量还蛮好! 外观颜值:颜色与图片有色差,但手提带得改善下 舒适度:蛮好 材质特点:与图相符 大小尺寸:大小不差 做工细节:一分钱,一分货

2024-01-10 20:07:22 -

2024-01-14 12:24:04 -

淡淡粽叶香 - 浓浓思乡情




传统的端午节的习俗千奇百怪,有赛龙舟,拜神祭祖,挂艾草配香囊,喝雄黄酒,吃咸鸭蛋,等等, 唯有吃粽子各地基本相同。虽说各地粽子的包法内容各异,但是糯米和粽叶却是必不可少的。







最难忘的是外婆包的浙江鲜肉豆瓣枕头粽,食材包括酱油五花肉,蚕豆辦,和加了酱油的糯米,那时候还没有咸蛋黄。 煮熟后的粽子香气四溢,肥肉油而不腻,瘦肉软烂入味,糯米油亮绵软,加上蚕豆瓣独特香味,一口下去满口生香。


外婆也会包一些甜粽,一般是小脚粽子,白米的,或者放一些红豆或红枣。 米要压得紧紧的,煮好了放凉沾白糖吃。 粽叶的清香,深红色的枣子嵌在洁白的糯米里,紧实的粽子像年糕一样粘粘糯糯,哇,色香味俱全,好吃极了!


记忆中的家乡粽子自从来了美国后就再也不见踪影。后来发现一些亚洲超市有粽子卖,但是不新鲜也不好吃。 要想吃到钟情的家乡味道,就只有自己动手了。人在海外,过端午节没有国内的气氛,但也喜欢包些粽子解解馋,过过瘾,制造点过节的感觉,一解乡愁。




在端午节前的那个周末我们就开始了行动。 包起来才发现,看着容易做起来难。试了几款,感觉四角粽和牛角粽比较容易包。  最后锁定肉粽包四角粽,甜粽包牛角粽,还挑战了小脚粽子。




简单介绍一下我家的做法。 五花肉切小块(见图),用酱油腌两三天,老抽生抽都放,比例1:3,少许料酒,酱油要多一些让肉浸泡在里面。 糯米泡两个小时后沥干水,加酱油, 生抽老抽各一半和少许盐, 让米呈淡淡酱油色即可,去皮绿豆泡两个小时,和糯米一样沥水加酱油。 因为买不到蚕豆瓣,用了去皮绿豆瓣代替,口感也相当不错。咸蛋黄在中国店买的现成的。 吃了粽子后的感觉是咸蛋黄可有可无,但绿豆瓣一定要有。 这个粽子的精华就是酱五花肉和豆瓣。 粽子煮熟后,酥软的豆瓣加上酱香味的五花肉和包裹着的绵软糯米,真是绝配了。











简单介绍做法: 糯米要泡两个小时,红豆要泡一晚,红枣去核剪成小块,喜欢豆沙的可以把豆沙搓成团代替红枣。  甜粽的米要包的紧实,包牛角粽或小脚粽比较适合,用手反复按压加足糯米,绳子要绑紧不要漏米。这样煮好放凉后很紧实,沾糖吃像年糕的口感。


我们煮粽子用的instant pot 多功能锅的高压锅功能,压 30 - 45 分钟, choose high pressure, 两种粽子分别煮,都是一样时间。两三天吃不完的粽子要冷冻起来保持新鲜。 要吃的时候放微波炉打两分钟左右即可。冻的时间长了,可以放锅里煮一下。


想吃粽子的朋友们,赶快行动起来吧。 不管包什么粽子, 自己包的粽子最好吃。包粽子让我们享受家人团聚的美好时光。这个周末还可以继续过端午周末,和家人一起享受美味的粽子。祝大家端午安康,“粽”有好运!

they seem to run a size to small but a awesome shoe last years
- Singapore

Second pair and they fit great and have held up well despite the abuse.
- Liberia

I have wide feet and ordered extra wide. They fit great.The sneaker looks fine too.
- Singapore

Finally able to order my correct size without getting a size bigger to get the width I need.
- Switzerland

Comfortable, good sole and inner sole. Have worn this make for several years -- hope they keep making them.
- Singapore

Was never a big fan of black sneakers, but the Nike Monarch IV is very sharp. Not to mention comfortable and a great fit.
- Switzerland

I have had a hard time finding these shoes in stores in regular width, so I was really glad I could purchase these at a very reasonable price.
- Switzerland

I needed an all leather shoe for my trips in the fall and winter. Bought this because I have had great experiences with similar shoes - which needed replacing.
- Switzerland

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Liberia

Ive had these before which is the reason i bought them, yes they are squicky so just add baby powder under the sole and on top and itll fix that, i got the 4E and dont worry about the 4E(M) its just men, they feel like ur on a cloud
- Singapore

2024-01-12 08:58:25--
The sound quality is very good, the sound is very clear, listening to songs and making phone calls are all good, and the quality is also very good!

2024-01-12 08:56:03--
Headphones are easy to use, sound quality and timbre are great, very satisfactory, comfortable to wear, easy to link and easy to operate. They are recommended to everyone and worth buying.

2024-01-12 08:53:20--
Second order from seller. Great Christmas gift

2024-01-12 08:50:17--
There was a mark on the shoe like food or something I was able to wipe it off but some was under the mesh

2024-01-12 08:50:03--
box was smashed. shoes more plastic then patent leather

2024-01-12 08:49:35--
not great quality but okay

2024-01-12 08:49:11--
Good except it only has 1 lace hole when it should have 6 and the jump man logo is a little off

2024-01-12 08:48:38--
i’m happy

2024-01-12 08:46:52--
awesome! look exactly like real ones

2024-01-12 08:45:59--
Great! Will order more Great seller great feedback

2024-01-04 19:03:27--
These are amazing! My “sneaker head” son has given them his seal of approval. They took awhile to get here (I’m pretty sure the first pair got lost and the seller just sent another). They were worth the wait and I’m positive my son will want to order several more pairs. Highly recommend !

2024-01-04 19:01:02--
Thank you despite the epidemic the delivery was ensured within a correct time.

2024-01-04 19:00:28--
Superb 😁

2024-01-04 18:57:27--
Bad quality

2024-01-04 18:55:52--
You can see the glue on the sole of the shoe looks like a fake

2024-01-04 18:54:29--
I really like these

2024-01-04 18:52:59--
Shoes looked very good but had a funny smell

2024-01-04 18:52:36--
Great seller good product honest would definitely buy from again . Had a small issue with product. Resolved without problems

2024-01-04 18:49:22--
They look great faster than expected

2024-01-04 18:48:01--
High quality shoe. Fits great. Arrived on time.

2024-01-04 18:47:39--
Shoes came perfect , no box , no damage . Can’t beat the price

2024-01-04 18:47:27--
These are amazing quality very happy highly recommend

2024-01-04 18:45:59--
Strong glue. And Jumpman logo was off. But overall shoes are great Reps! Will buy again .

2024-01-04 18:45:53--
Excellent design and quality!! Just like the real ones I’ll buy from this seller again

2024-01-04 18:44:52--
Wow, nice shoes arrived in great condition considering not in a box as requested. Arrived 3weeks Thanks seller I will be ordering more

2024-01-04 18:43:03--
The shoe is very good i got the reimagined j3 it passes all legit checks but the only issue i have is the front the toe box stitching is not far back enough other than that the shoe is very good

2024-01-04 18:41:33--
They look a little cheaper than what I thought but overall for the price pretty good

2024-01-04 18:40:19--
Not bad.I like it

2024-01-04 18:39:34--
good value for money

2024-01-04 18:39:28--
10sacross the board

2024-01-04 18:37:42--
Great Seller, will be buying more.

2024-01-04 18:37:29--
Great look and a perfect fit!

2024-01-04 18:36:38--
Very Nice. Excellent customer service

2024-01-04 18:34:00--
This product is of much better quality than the products at the same price that I have bought before, and the price is very good.

2024-01-04 09:21:25--
LEGIT REVIEW!🗣 First off the glasses came so fast it was crazy😂 and their amazing! Literally what you ask for

2024-01-04 09:21:21--
The size is appropriate, the size is just right, the lens definition is very high, and the shading effect is obvious.

2024-01-04 09:20:37--
Love love love this seller! I’ve ordered from others but this seller is the best! The bags look and feel so authentic. I get compliments all the time about these bags. I’ve had the black one longer but the white one is stunning.

2024-01-04 09:19:53--

2024-01-04 09:19:43--
Week came with a crease

2024-01-04 09:19:26--
Shoe looks like the real deal, only problem I have is the wrong size was delivered to me, I gifted the shoes to my sister(she also loved them) I will be placing another order real soon.

2024-01-04 09:18:32--
Good quality, looks great

2024-01-04 09:18:06--
Excellent product and very fast delivery

2024-01-04 09:17:21--
Shipping was fast came with box ..Love the item looks just like the real thing

2024-01-04 09:16:38--
Real review, highly recommend for the price. I wear a US 8 and bought a size 39

2024-01-04 09:15:52--
Nice shoes!

2024-01-04 09:15:45--
Very good replicas

2024-01-04 09:15:20--
Wallah disabled blatant shoes like to buy again

2024-01-04 09:15:09--
Perfect, of good quality and equal to the originals, have arrived in 2 weeks

2024-01-04 09:12:13--
Great will buy again best supplier

2024-01-04 09:08:24--
I received the item and I am very satisfied!! The articles are packed in good condition and placed in a dust bag. Great value for money. These bags are so beautiful. Really a super good seller, careful, the key is good goods, and delivery super fast, careful packaging, trustworthy!

2024-01-04 09:06:42--
Fast shipping and a good product,very satisfied will order again thank you very much

2024-01-04 09:06:30--

2024-01-04 09:04:20--
This is the best replica ever! It looks just like the authentic one and the details are on point. The only difference is that the bracelet is a little bit more gold than the original. No worries because you can’t hardly tell. The bracelet feels luxurious as well as the box that you purchase extra. Shipping took 3 weeks to US but it’s worth the wait !!!

2024-01-04 09:03:59--
Wonderful shoes! Perfect as always! Highly recommend!

2024-01-04 09:02:29--
Ordered two sets of **- one set was awesome. Second second had non working ** right out of box. Seller refused to take any responsibility and DH gate only gave me a partial refund so now I have a pair of ** that are useless.

2024-01-04 08:59:17--
The earphones sound great, are comfortable to wear, and have great battery life.

2024-01-04 08:57:35--
The headphones are satisfactory in workmanship, sound quality is quite good, easy to use, comfortable to wear and good in battery life.

2024-01-04 08:57:10--
This Bluetooth headset is really good, the connection is fast and stable, the sound is clear and smooth, and the battery life is great. It is really easy to use!

2024-01-04 08:55:23--
The quality of workmanship is good. In fact, all aspects are of a high standard. The sound quality and sound effect are acceptable, or even very good. There is no sense of urgency in comfort. The endurance is very good. It is trustworthy and reliable,

2024-01-04 00:06:57--
Too beautiful, I'm too happy.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 829 reviews)

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